May 22, 2020: Today's Activity!
HANNAH BEAN \ MAY 22, 2020
Worried about being stuck inside over the rainy weekend? We've got some great activities to try for cooped up kids!
* Build a fort in the living room with blankets! This classic rainy day activity is perfect for play time and nap time.
* Build a toothpick tower: use marshmallows as connectors for toothpicks to build shapes, houses, and whatever else you can imagine!
* Indoor hopscotch: use painter's tape or masking tape to make indoor hopscotch boards on hardwood or tile floors! For a softer landing, you can also try making a hopscotch board with yarn or rope on carpet.
* Treasure hunt: give your little ones a basket or bag and send them off on a treasure hunt around the house! Try placing their toys in different rooms for them to find, hide 10 of something small like buttons or cotton balls around the house, or make them a list of things to gather (draw pictures for little ones) from different rooms like a spoon from the kitchen and a remote from the living room.
Do you have a favorite rainy day activity? Share it with the Art Garage community on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ArtGarageDenver/) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/artgaragedenver/?hl=en)!
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