Support The Art Garage this Colorado Gives Day!
We need YOUR help to fuel creativity in our community! Donate to support our visual arts nonprofit `[`[`HERE`](`](`[``](`)`!
Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. This Colorado Gives Day, December 7th, 2021, donate to The Art Garage to support arts education in our community and help us realize our mission of making the arts accessible for all.
In a time when after school programming has been cut from schools and many cultural institutions struggle to survive, the need for accessible art programming is more important than ever! We need your support to fuel creativity in the Denver community. Join your fellow Coloradans in supporting nonprofits like The Art Garage at a time when we need it most. Donate `[`[`HERE`](`](`[``](`)`!
Looking for other ways to support The Art Garage? Find out how you can support our organization through your online shopping with Amazon, our Amazon wishlist, material donations, and more `[HERE](`[``](`)`!
*The last two years have been tough on all of us, and The Art Garage truly could not have survived without YOU! We want to thank each and every member of our community for your continued support! *