Knot, Loop, Weave

0% full
0 spaces taken, 8 spaces total
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Textile art can incorporate plant, animal or synthetic fibers. Lets' knot, loop and weave to create beautiful fiber artwork this summer! Students will learn weaving, create their own tube knitter from cardboard tubes, make layered fabric landscapes, unique wall hangings, and one large textile collaborative piece that will stay at The Art Garage for years to come!

Class details
  • Ages
  • Taught by
  • Dates
    Mon 8/10, 9:00 am
    Tue 8/11, 9:00 am
    Wed 8/12, 9:00 am
    Thu 8/13, 9:00 am
    Fri 8/14, 9:00 am
  • Deadline
    Sat 8/8
  • Total hours
  • Total cost
  • Tags
    Fiber Art
    Summer Camp