Adult Embroidery and Sashiko

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Explore the world of embroidery and decorative stitching in this 4-week class! You will explore basic embroidery stitches, learn about artistic and practical uses of embroidery, have the opportunity to add imagery to your own functional pieces, and try your hand at sashiko patterns, a type of traditional Japanese embroidery used both decoratively and as reinforcement on worn fabrics.
*Please note: We have a no refund policy. Be sure to visit our CLASS FAQ  page for up to date information. If you are interested in financial assistance, apply for a Scholarship and wait for a response from our scholarship committee prior to registering here.

Class details
  • Ages
  • Taught by
  • Dates
    Thu 4/3, 5:30 pm
    Thu 4/10, 5:30 pm
    Thu 4/17, 5:30 pm
    Thu 4/24, 5:30 pm
  • Deadline
    Tue 4/1
  • Total hours
  • Total cost
  • Tags
    Fiber Art