Brittany Bell
Art Instructor
Brittany Bell is an elementary art educator in Jefferson County Colorado, certified in K-12 Art Education. She is a graduate of Colorado Mesa University where she earned a BA in Art Education and is currently seeking a graduate degree in the University of Florida’s online Master of Art Education program. She is soon entering her sixth year of teaching with experience from one non-profit art organization, three title 1 schools ranging from teaching children as young as 3 years old, to teaching students in the eighth grade.
Brittany is a proud educator and artist. Specialties include drawing, painting, and ceramics. Other hobbies include hiking, camping, and exploring the beautiful state of Colorado as well as traveling to new places to experience food, culture, and people. Her drive for learning helps to support her love for sharing ideas about culture, art, and people with her students. Brittany can be reached at or on her website at
classes taught