Marcia Donziger
Interim Executive Director

Marcia Donziger is excited to serve as the Interim Executive Director of The Art Garage in 2024. With 10 years of Executive Director experience for the organization she founded, MyLifeLine Cancer Foundation, she has a passion for building healthy, empowering, and inclusive work cultures in Colorado. She is the architect of the Culture CARES™ Framework—created to help today's organizations thrive. As a nonprofit leadership coach and culture consultant, Marcia has earned the trust of notable organizations such as the Colorado Nonprofit Association, Colorado College, Social Venture Partners Boulder County, UP Partnership, Club Z, DAVA, and Boulder Voices for Children. She holds a degree in organizational psychology and has received several awards, including the John Hickenlooper Unsung Hero Award, The Denver Channel's Everyday Hero Award, and most recently, the Outstanding Culture Leader Award in 2023 at the Las Vegas Health 2.0 conference.
1 classes taught 0 sessions 0 students